Here's one perfect formula for getting a tattoo to honor a child. Pick something the kid loves. Tattoo his or her name with it. It's that simple and that wonderful — just like this mom did when she got her sons' names tattoos with a rocket. Really rad work by tattoo artist Andy ...
The most obvious of all the tattoos for couples, is getting name tats. If you are planning on getting your partner’s name tattooed, as an expression of love, I would suggest to get one in a language like Arabic or Chinese. Get a tattoo which reminds you both, of the love you share...
Butterflies are no ordinary insects, they boast incomparable allure. Butterflies …Read more How Much Do Ankle Tattoos Hurt? Are You Feeling Strong? byJase BB All kinds of tattoos hurt. The only difference is the …Read more 35 Ultra Sexy Back Tattoos for Women ...