Synonym & Antonym Quiz Word Scramble Quiz Guess the Word Quiz Vocabulary Quiz Chinese Grammar Synonyms Antonyms Positive words Negative words Confusing words Homonyms Prefix Suffix Verbs Noun Adjectives come did have how let please she that this ...
Definition of temper in the English dictionary The first definition of temper in the dictionary is a frame of mind; mood or humour. Other definition of temper is a sudden outburst of anger; tantrum. Temper is also a tendency to exhibit uncontrolled anger; irritability....
What is a synonym for hour? minute, bit, instant, min, minute of arc, moment, mo, second, arcminute, time of day, hr. What is a meaning of yet? We use yet as an adverb to refer to a timewhich starts in the past and continues up to the present. We use it mostly in negative...
The meaning of MOTH BEAN is a legume (Vigna acontifolia synonym Phaseolus aconitifolius) cultivated especially in India for its edible cylindrical pods and small seeds.
Parsec meaning in Chinese. Here you learn English to Chinese translation / English to Chinese dictionary of the word Parsec and also play quiz in Chinese words starting with P also play A-Z dictionary quiz. To learn Chinese language, common vocabulary an