The meaning of ZERO-SUM GAME is a situation in which one person or group can win something only by causing another person or group to lose it. How to use zero-sum game in a sentence.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishˌzero-sum ˈgamenoun[singular]a situation in which youreceiveas much money oradvantagesas you give awayDiplomatic negotiations often aim at a zero-sum game.Examples from the Corpuszero-sum game•Thisappearsto be azero-sum game, because what one...
game theory, a zero-sum game is one, such as chess or checkers, where each player has a clear purpose that is completely opposed to that of the opponent. In economics, a situation is zero-sum if the gains of one party are exactly balanced by the losses of another and no net gain ...
4 Change of Meaning LectureIV.ChangeofMeaning I.PolysemyII.TherelationshipbetweenmeaningsofawordIII.Twoprocessesofthechangeofwordmeaning:radiation&concatenationIV.FourTendenciesinchangesofwordmeaningV.CausesofSemanticChange I.Polysemy Itmeansthatawordhastwoormorethantwodifferentmeanings.Inalanguage,themajority...
Changes in Word Meaning(types, causes,resuilts) 英语词义变化解析 LOGO ChangesinWordMeaning Leadin ChangesinWordMeaning Amonglinguisticaspects,thechangeofwordsisthefastestandmostprominent.Wordsareundergoingconstantchangesbothinformandcontent.Comparativelyspeaking,thecontentisevenmore...
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Zero-sum game A situation where if one person or organization wins or gains something then the other person or...more → Quotes He that thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk. If you’re all alone as a leader, you are not really leading. The quote ...
The authors reanalyze their data using Tyree's methods and find support for their competition hypothesis. Competition may not be a zero-sum game. In a number of countries after World War II, the shortage of male workers led to a rise in women's share of typically male occupations. Even ...
It’s a mistake to view any economy, especially the world’s, as a zero-sum game where one player’s gain is another’s loss. The relationship between any two communities in the global economy is not unlike a marriage. As couples counselors advise, relationships falter when two partners ...
The choice of strategy reflects not only pre-existing political beliefs, whether fully grounded in reality or not. It may also feed into and exacerbate the zero-sum political understanding. This is especially true if the choice to practice strategy actually leads to war, which is not always the...