The meaning of COMPLETE is having all necessary parts, elements, or steps. How to use complete in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Complete.
The meaning of COMPLETE is having all necessary parts, elements, or steps. How to use complete in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Complete.
complete adjective(10) verb (used with object)(5) Usage NoteOther Words FromWord History and OriginsRelated WordsWord of the Day Advertisement View synonyms forcomplete AmericanBritish [ kuhm-pleet] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective having all parts or elements; lacking nothing;whole;entire;full: ...
Word of the Day Advertisement amowt / əˈmaʊt / noun a variant spelling of amaut“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 20...
Unit 1 Levels of words, Unit 2 the meaning of words PartTwoDiction UnitOneLevelofWords 1 I.Introduction 1.Whatisdiction?ThechoiceanduseofwordsWhy?themostusefulandmostoftenused Avoidtheinappropriate,inexact,unidiomaticoruninteresting“dangerous”“leadto”“cause”2 Althougheconomicimprovementmaybe...
Acompleteword:meaning(房子)form---referent(house)这个图形表示:第一,词有两个方向—“形式”和“意义(概念)”.“形式”指的是拼 写;与此相对的是词的“意义(概念)”,也就是词的内容.每个词都有一定的形式和意义,这两方面缺一不可.第二,词义与所指对象连接在一起.一方面,词义在客观世界中是有所指的;...
【题目】The meaning of the word “volunteer” may be a little different in different countries, but it usually means “one who offers his or her services.” There are many different ways in which people can volunteer, such as taking care of sick people, working on homes for homeless ...
Here is an example of a complex sentence: While he was out running, John saw a dog. The dependent clause is "while he was out running." That’s not a sentence by itself. It needs the independent clause to make it a complete sentence. What Is the Difference Between Simple Sentences and...
The meaning of COMPLETE is having all necessary parts, elements, or steps. How to use complete in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Complete.
Acompleteword:meaning(房子)form---referent(house)4 这个图形表示:第一,词有两个方向—“形式”和“意义(概念)”.“形式”指的是拼 写;与此相对的是词的“意义(概念)”,也就是词的内容.每个词都有一定的形式和意义,这两方面缺一不可.第二,词义与所指对象连接在一起.一方面,词义在客观世界中是有所指...