green, immature, juvenile, unripe, unripened, young, youngish, youthful and raw. We pri- marily use lexical mapping of Hindi words to Urdu ... is short form of “zaban-i-urdu” meaning "language of the camp". Resource poor languages: Urdu and Punjabi languages are new...
Mauka is a Hindi/Urdu word which means an opportunity, a chance. Though in a different context it may also mean an incident. No comments: Search For:meanings,Prakash Jha Vethalai Meaning Haven't yet been able to find the meaning of the entire song Vethalai, performed by Kailash Kher and...
How do sociologists operationalize “romance,” specifically the seriousness or casualness of the romantic relationships of the participants they
Thestrikebreakerswill be marked men the rest of their careers. Navy personnel were also used asstrikebreakersin the oil industry. Nativist sentiments were aggravated by the Greeks being hired asstrikebreakers. Fistfights broke out whenever striking workers andstrikebreakersencountered one another. ...
Have you ever stuck on the word chilman in a song or Ghazal? If yes, here is the meaning. Chilman is a screen, mostly a curtain, that is 'Parda' in Hindi, or sometimes a hanging screen made of bamboo or some type of plants. ...
with the interrogative pronouns sino, kanino, ano, alin, kailan, saan, etc. : ever, as, sino man whoever; sa kanino man, whomever; ano man, whatever; alin man, whichever; kailan man, whenever; saan man, wherever; magkano man, whatever the cost (price); paano man whatever the manner,...
Red is the color of Shango, the Yoruba god of fire, thunder, and lightning, who lives in the clouds and sends down his thunderbolt whenever he is angry or offended. It also represents the struggle for self-determination and freedom by people of color. Black is the people, the earth, ...
Avith is always willing to listen to friends' problems and helping them whenever the need be. Avith can do anything to express love for family. Responsibility, kindness, selflessness, empathy, and loyalty are the wonderful qualities of Avith. Avith can handle everything with perfection and is...
Unit Trust of India (UTI) provides the investor with a safe return of the investment whenever there is a requirement of funds. The Unit Trust of India provides a daily price record and also advertises it in the newspapers. Therefore, two prices are always quoted on a daily basis. The two...
and space meaning, it is clear that time is assumed to be a new dimension. Whenever any object with mass hits the space-time fabric will cause bending of space-time. This bending of space time causes the objects to propagate in curved paths and this curvature is generally known as gravity...