2025 Atmospheric river storms are long plumes of water vapor that can pour over from the Pacific Ocean into California. Rong-Gong Lin Ii, Los Angeles Times, 31 Jan. 2025 The means how much precipitation there would be if the water vapor in the air turned into rain. Camila Pedrosa, ...
The meaning of VAPOR is diffused matter (such as smoke or fog) suspended floating in the air and impairing its transparency. How to use vapor in a sentence. Did you know?
听独白,回答问题。 New words: water vapor 水蒸气 liquid 液体 evaporate 蒸发 condensation 凝结 Water Cycle 1. What's the Chinese meaning of "Water Cycle"? A. 水资源. B. 水循环.C. 水
- Humidity is the concentration of water vapor present in the air. Water vapor, the gaseous state of water, is generally invisible to the human eye. Humidity...- Look up vapor or vapour in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. A vapor is a substance in the gas phase below its critical ...
Vapor definition: a visible exhalation, such as fog, mist, steam, smoke, or noxious gas, diffused through or suspended in the air. See examples of VAPOR used in a sentence.
Water Cycle 1. What's the Chinese meaning of "Water Cycle"? A. 水资源. B. 水循环. C. 水形式. 2. What does the water begin to do when it becomes warm? A. To evaporate. B. To change. C. To rain. 3. Water vapor cools and changes into tiny drops of water. This makes...
acloudofvaporfrom theexhaust.•At any rate, maybe thefountainsofvaporare still anotherattributeof theprofounddignityandmysteryof thewhale.•Therarepassersbyhurried,emittingpuffsofvaporfrom theirnostrils.•She was subsequentlyconfinedto thevaporbathof her home to die of suffocation.•The second is...
The amount of water vapor in the air influences all weather. How water vapor gets into the air is relative to where one is geographically. How does humidity work and what causes humidity? Earth is a self-contained machine that circulates its water. This cycle is known asthe water cycle. ...
Evaporate definition: to change from a liquid or solid state into vapor; pass off in vapor.. See examples of EVAPORATE used in a sentence.
These cloud changes show the precipitable water in atmosphere has an increasing trend, and the earth-atmosphere system become moister year by year. Based on the hydrological cycle, it is proved that the variation of water vapor in the earth-atmosphere can make the relative humidity, the global...