The meaning of RUCKSACK is a bag that is strapped to the back with two shoulder straps and is used for carrying personal belongings and supplies : knapsack. How to use rucksack in a sentence.
During the early stage of labor you'll likely experience: Regular contractions that become progressively stronger and more frequent Your water breaking Mucousy vaginal discharge (from the dislodged mucus plug), if this didn't happen earlier. ...
GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems. This warnin...
And while she thinks she "probably could have hid it until the end," the 27-year-old wanted the joy of celebrating her news, especially because she did not like "the stress of not being able to enjoy my pregnancy outwardly." "I felt like I was hiding this big secret," she explained...
After this great feat of strength, Samson felt he would die of thirst and cried out to God. God heard him and answered his prayer, miraculously splitting open a depression in a rock and creating a spring of fresh water. The most famous episode of Samson’s story is, of course, his lov...
Secretly, both sides also know their own mythology has been shot full of holes, too. It is taking on water at a terrifying rate—but from the splintered deck you stand on, it looks less bad than the other. I call out to you: It’s a pile of water-logged junk; the rest will sink...
And while she thinks she "probably could have hid it until the end," the 27-year-old wanted the joy of celebrating her news, especially because she did not like "the stress of not being able to enjoy my pregnancy outwardly." "I felt like I was hiding this big secret," she explained...