The meaning of COMPRESSED is pressed together : reduced in size or volume (as by pressure). How to use compressed in a sentence.
This measure of the average price of a stock is calculated by taking into account both volume and price, making it a reliable tool for traders who want to make informed decisions based on market trends. In comparison with other popular trading indicators, such as moving averages or relative s...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
the organization, placement, or relationship of basic elements, as lines and colors in a painting or volumes and voids in a sculpture, so as to produce a coherent image; the formal structure of a work of art. three-dimensional quality or volume, as of a represented object or anatomical par...
要是你实在不愿意,也不勉强你,因为额把这份情书复印了三份,分别发给二班,屁屁,臭臭,额是个外老实后生,和你说心里话,都是额的肺腑之言,要是你答应额的要求,明儿黑者来,你就来广场跟前等额,额手里拿了一本《小学汉语字典》,嘴里含老一朵‘毛小狗’…… The volume to your sentiment is really, picks one...
brief position-holding periods. Traders applying this method utilize complex algorithms to analyze the markets and execute orders. Those who execute trades faster are more profitable than traders with slower execution speeds. HFT accounts are applied for over half of the trading volume in the U.S....
Building Trades.a continuous and usually horizontal row of bricks, shingles, etc., as in a wall or roof. Synonyms:layer,row one of the pairs of strings on an instrument of the lute family, tuned in unison or in octaves to increase the volume. ...
In trading, round tripping is an illegal practice of showing off an increased volume of trades. This becomes the process in which the same shares are sold and purchased over and over again so that the players and participants in the market get a false idea of a security being in higher de...
Awash tradeis when a trader buys and sells the same security to create a false impression that there is increased volume in the specific stock. This may actually affect legitimate trading on the security. The Bottom Line There are plenty of illegal schemes and methods in the financial world. ...
A commission broker, on the other hand, earns their money based on the volume of business that a client does. If a client doesn't trade at all, a commission broker will not earn any income. If a client trades more and more, a commission broker will earn more. Tying a commission broke...