words-meaning and explanation, Meaning and explanation of words, Get meaning of words in English-Hindi-English Dictionary, With Usage Tips and Notes, Quickly Grasp Word words
English-Hindi>rotary rotarymeaning in Hindi pronunciation: [ 'rəutəri ]sound: noun plural:rotaries rotary sentence in Hindi Examples 1.RotaryInternational रोटरी इण्टरनेशनल 2.The Associated Cement Company -LRB- ACC -RRB- started the fabrication ofrota...
And the presence of online dictionaries have made it all convenient even. This is exactly why ALDictionary has introduced English to Tamil Dictionary for you. If you are looking forward to learn Tamil from English and vice versa, you can easily take the help of our online English to Tamil ...
Premika or Premikaa (प्रेमिका) is a Hindi word which can actually be used for 'lover' or 'beloved', as per the context. It comes from Hindi word 'prem' which means love, and a guy who loves someone is called a 'premi.' At the same time, the girl who may...
Have you ever stuck on the word chilman in a song or Ghazal? If yes, here is the meaning. Chilman is a screen, mostly a curtain, that is 'Parda' in Hindi, or sometimes a hanging screen made of bamboo or some type of plants. ...
Following are the likely outcomes – both testify against each other, and each serves a five-year prison. If A speaks up against B, but B chooses not to say anything, then A gets no prison, and B gets a 10-year prison or vice versa. Lastly, if both of them do not speak or remai...
However, when participants were presented with pairs of symbols and meanings to learn in a paired-associate recall procedure, they showed significantly better recall of those pairs in which the archetypal symbols were matched with their associated archetypal meanings than those in which the associated ...
nounnative or inhabitant of the state of Assam in northeastern India adjectiveof or relating to or characteristic of Assam or its people or culture or language nounthe Magadhan language spoken by the Assamese people; closely related to Bengali ...