Turnaround time definition: the total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer. See examples of TURNAROUND TIME used in a sentence.
The meaning of TURNAROUND is the action of receiving, processing, and returning something. How to use turnaround in a sentence.
The meaning of TURNAROUND is the action of receiving, processing, and returning something. How to use turnaround in a sentence.
to show someone around. through a recurring period, as of time, especially to the present or a particular time: when spring rolls around again. by a circuitous or roundabout course: The driveway to the house goes around past the stables. ...
Cats, on the other hand, don’t care about morals. They don’t have ambitions to improve the world either, nor themselves. Most of the time, cats come across as utterly indifferent. They don’t seem to care about other cats and aren’t too attached to their owners. But does this me...
cooperation with its creditors that will take effect once the company entersChapter 11. The aim of a prepackaged bankruptcy—which must be voted on by shareholders before the company files its petition for bankruptcy1—is to save expenses and shorten theturnaroundtime to emerge from ...
At the same time, cats don’t need us. They don’t perceive themselves as the property of those who care for them. They can be very fond of their human companions but don’t cling to them. If they like to be with us, they stay; otherwise, they leave. If people give them food,...
There is no legal limit to how many times a company can restructure. A company can decide to change its operations as many times as it deems necessary in order to become more efficient and cut costs. That being said, restructuring is a complicated process that involves a lot of time and ...
A brief history of rhetoric Rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse, also known as the trivium, alongside logic and grammar. Discourse is the formal exchange of ideas in conversation, typically in an orderly way characterized by all speakers taking time to express their positions...
As a matter of fact, arbitrariness and onomatopoeic(拟声词现象) effect may work at the same time.[戴] 易错点——The arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimitid(不受限的) source of expressions.[戴] ...