The symbolism and spiritual meaning of a butterfly is so rich. Their life journey and expression is so symbolic of our own awakening journey.
Disconnected; separated; distinct; -- a direction to perform the notes of a passage in a short, distinct, and pointed manner. It is opposed to legato, and often indicated by heavy accents written over or under the notes, or by dots when the performance is to be less distinct and emphatic...
To produce gradation in color or shade in (any material) by means of dots or small spots. Seestippling. nounIn thefine arts, same asstippling. nounIndecorative art, an intermediate tone or color, or combination of tones, used to make gradual the passage from one color to another in a ...
The Gadsden flag is often described as the American equivalent of the Spartan “molon labe” (“come and take [them]”) motto. The comparison is apt as they both represent responding with force to perceived threats, but I have always preferred the Gadsden flag as the perfect expression of s...