The meaning of THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM is a state of a system in which all parts are at the same temperature.
The meaning of THERMAL EXPANSION is increase in linear dimensions of a solid or in volume of a fluid because of rise in temperature.
Thermal equilibrium between (quantum) systems is taken to mean stability for the combined system. Necessary and sufficient conditions for such stability are found and used to show that any system in equilibrium with suitably complex second system ("heat bath") will be characterized by a canonical ...
It is emphasized that entropy changes, as invoked in the Second Law, are necessarily related to the non-equilibrium interactions of two or more systems that might have initially been in thermal equilibrium but at different temperatures. The overall direction of entropy increase indicates the ...
Thermostatics definition: the branch of science concerned with thermal equilibrium. See examples of THERMOSTATICS used in a sentence.
- thermal fluctuations are random deviations of an atomic system from its average state, that occur in a system at equilibrium. All thermal fluctuations become...- corresponding fluctuation is Johnson noise. A wire loop with a resistor in it does not actually have zero current, it has a ...
Values which are commonly given for the surface emissivity must therefore be accepted with great reserve. FromProject Gutenberg The emissivity increases with the temperature, else no state of thermal equilibrium could be reached. FromProject Gutenberg ...
The physical meaning of the change is exposed for the case of thermal coherent state. View chapterExplore book Related terms: Magnetic Field Boltzmann Equation Distribution Function Tensor Boundary Condition Lattices Electric Field Hamiltonian wavefunction ψ Experimental Data View all Topics Recommended ...
The second law of thermodynamics states that the transfer of thermal energy in a large system is irreversible, and entropy will always increase. Therefore, according to the second law of thermodynamics, a system as a whole will always move towards disorder. Energy is required for negative entropy...
The meaning of HEAT DEATH is an ultimate state of thermal equilibrium implying conditions of maximum entropy and zero available energy that according to the laws of thermodynamics the material universe is apparently approaching.