The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'?
The meaning of DOWNLOAD is an act or instance of transferring something (such as data or files) from a usually large computer to the memory of another device (such as a smaller computer) : an act or instance of downloading something; also : the item down
Several players doxed the programmer because the final version of the game disappointed them. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofdox1 First recorded in2000–05;alteration ofdocs,plural ofdoc(shortening ofdocument(def)) Discover More ...
400 b.c., when it began to waver, with conquests by neighbors gradually weakening it further. Atheniandemocracywas probably not the first example ofdemocracyin the ancient world, but it is the best-known early version, and it is from here that we draw the word and its governmental ...
Malinowski's version of functionalism assumes that all cultural traits serve the needs of individuals in a society-that is, the function of a cultural trait is its ability to satisfy some basic or derived need of the members of the group.The basic needs include nutrition, reproduction, bodily ...
the pressure, and so mountains began to form along continental margins.With continued contraction came continued deformation, but with the continents and oceans always in the same relative positions.Although Dana's theory was a version of contraction, it came to be known as permanence theory,...
Take a very simple case. When I retranslated the Czech novel The Good Soldier Schweik (By Jaroslav Hasěk) from the English version, I came across the word “Sir” several times on each page. The hero of the novel is a common soldier who has to salute and say “Sir” whenever he tal...
, the REFERENT refers to the object in the world of experience, and THOUGHT or REFERENCE refers to concept. ne.g. The dog over there looks u 11、nfriendly.nThe word “dog” is directly associated with a certain concept in our mind, i.e. what a “dog” is like, but it is not ...
The meaning of VERSION is an account or description from a particular point of view especially as contrasted with another account. How to use version in a sentence.
What Is the Digital Version of Word-of-Mouth Marketing? Digital word-of-mouth marketing employs technology, particularly the internet, to facilitate word-of-mouth exchanges. Review boards, social media sites, and blogs are popular digital platforms consumers use to share their experiences, good and...