The meaning of SHELF is a thin flat usually long and narrow piece of material (such as wood) fastened horizontally (as on a wall) at a distance from the floor to hold objects. How to use shelf in a sentence.
The meaning of SHELF is a thin flat usually long and narrow piece of material (such as wood) fastened horizontally (as on a wall) at a distance from the floor to hold objects. How to use shelf in a sentence.
continental shelf. Archery.the upper part of the bow hand, on which the arrow rests. Discover More Other Words From shelf like adjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofshelf1 1350–1400;Middle English;Old Englishscylfe;akin toLow Germanschelfshelf,Old Norse-skjalfbench ...
Shelf life definition: the term or period during which a stored commodity remains effective, useful, or suitable for consumption. See examples of SHELF LIFE used in a sentence.
You think of someone for the first time in years, and run into them a few hours later. An unusual phrase you’d never heard before jumps out at you three times in the same day. On a back street in a foreign country, you bump into a college roommate. A book falls off the shelf ...
on the shelf•The saga centres on thetangledlove life of a 30-year-old woman, whofearsshe will be lefton the shelf.•What was lefton the shelveswould not keep themalive.•Thebasketofflowerswason the shelfbehind them.•Theporcelainhorse, thecactus, the bluebowland the drinks wereon ...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics:Tradeˌoff-the-ˈshelfadjective,adverbalready made andavailableinshopsrather than beingdesignedespecially for acustomeroff-the-shelf database softwareExamples from the Corpusoff-the-shelf•off-the-shelfdatabasesoftware ...
1. What is the final purpose of building the “mosquito factory”? A.To prevent the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. B.To produce massive mosquitoes for scientific research. C.To study the behavior of mosquitoes in different environments. ...
The meaning of SHELF FUNGUS is a polypore fungus (such as chicken of the woods) that is found chiefly on the trunks and limbs of trees and that forms tough, often woody fruiting bodies which are fanlike or shelflike in form; also : the fruiting body of a
The meaning of OFF-THE-SHELF is available as a stock item : not specially designed or custom-made. How to use off-the-shelf in a sentence.