The meaning of SEQUENCE is a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in masses for special occasions (such as Easter). How to use sequence in a sentence.
The meaning of SEQUENCE is a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in masses for special occasions (such as Easter). How to use sequence in a sentence.
Word History and Origins Origin ofsequence1 First recorded in1350–1400;Middle English,fromLate Latinsequentia,equivalent tosequ-(stem ofsequī“to follow”) +-entianoun suffix;-ence Discover More Synonym Study Seeseries. Word of the Day
2. Language differs in this respect from mathematics, which is carefully constructed so that each symbol or sequence of symbols has only one meaning. 语言在这方面不同于数学,数学是被仔细认真地构建的,以使每一个符号或符号序列只有一个意思。
emission from the astrospheres around three sun-like stars, so called main sequence stars which are stars in the prime of their life, and has thus recorded such winds for the first time directly, allowing them to place constraints on the mass loss rate of the stars via their stellar winds...
Arootisthatpartofthewordleftwhenalltheaffixes(inflectional&derivational)areremoved,e.g.“desire”in“desirable”,“care”in“carefully”,“nation”in“internationalism”,“believe”in“unbeliev(e)able”…Affixesarealwaysboundmorphemes.Derivationalmorpheme&inflectionalmorpheme屈折 Derivationalmorphemes-...
Maintypesofwordmeaning Motivation&Conventionality ?Sound meaning 形式 意义 JohnLyonsgivesustensentencestodiscusswhatmeaningis:1)Whatisthemeaningof“sesquipedalian?”2)Ididnotmeantohurtyou.3)Heneversayswhathemeans.4)Sherarelymeanswhatshesays.5)Lifewithoutfaithhasnomeaning.6)Whatdoyoumeanbythe...
This is significant because the amino acid sequence of an enzyme is determined by genes.Graves drew two conclusions from these observations. First, at least some of the observed differences between the enzymes of the Atlantic and Pacific fish populations were not random but were the result of ...
The meaning of MAIN SEQUENCE is the group of stars that on a graph of spectrum versus luminosity forms a band comprising 90 percent of stellar types and that includes stars representative of the stages a normal star passes through during the majority of
The meaning of SEQUENCE is a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in masses for special occasions (such as Easter). How to use sequence in a sentence.