The meaning of SENSOR is a device that responds to a physical stimulus (such as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion) and transmits a resulting impulse (as for measurement or operating a control). How to use sensor in a sentenc
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Examples from the Corpus Originsensor(1900-2000)Latinsensus, past participle ofsentire;→SENSE1 Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check.
Word History and Origins Origin ofsensor1 First recorded in1925–30;sense+-or2 Discover More Example Sentences The inner ear’s sensor is then “stimulated, and stimulated in the opposite direction, and will give the pilot the perception that they are not level, but they are actually banking...
containing the suffix-tor(and its alternant-sor). The association with Latinate vocabulary may impart a learned look to the resultant formations, which often denote machines or other less tangible entities which behave in an agentlike way:descriptor; plexor; projector; repressor; sensor; tractor....
We have found that the sensor responds rapidly to any damage caused by Cr(VI) species, with more severe DNA damage observed for Cr(2)O(7)(2-) and for CrO(4)(2-) in the presence of H(2)O(2) as compared to CrO(4)(2-) alone. All herbicides and pesticides examined caused DNA ...
An intelligent gas identification system and method of gas identification in a specific environment. The intelligent gas identification system has a sensor, a pulse power supply module, and a processing device in which a plurality of che... IC Chen,YS Huang,CH Tai,... - US 被引量: 2发表...
the systan Increases the yields ofChoose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD fmm the psssege for sech anawer.drink as they need can increase tomato ylelds by more thanseveral crops while reducing consumption of water Yields40 per cent. The sensor has been developed by Yehoshuaof grapefruit incrased by ...
The next big step in the eighties was to make the camera digital to speed up the feedback (反馈). But the idea behind the slit camera was kept and is still the basis of all timing systems for athletics used today. The only difference is that now there is a very narrow sensor array ...
《气象探测环境保护规范 天气雷达站》中计算孤立障碍物遮挡角容限值,当障碍物遮挡造成雷达辐射功率损失为21%时,有效辐射功率为总辐射功率的79%,为简化计算,仅考虑障碍物遮挡造成雷达辐射功率的单程损失,损失功率为( )。