The meaning of SATELLITE is a celestial body orbiting another of larger size. How to use satellite in a sentence.
The meaning of SATELLITE DNA is a fraction of a eukaryotic organism's DNA that differs in density from most of its DNA as determined by centrifugation, that consists of short repetitive nucleotide sequences, that does not undergo transcription, and that
subordinate to another authority, outside power, or the like: summoned to a conference of satellite nations. Discover More Other Words From sat el·lit edadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofsatellite1 1540–50; 1955–60satellite fordef 2; <Latinsatellit-(stem ofsatelles)...
adjectiveOf or relating to the transmission of electromagnetic signals by communications satellite. from The Century Dictionary. nounThere are thus 26 satellites of 6 planets, of which 25 have been discovered in modern times (since 1610) by 9 observers (Galileo 4, Cassini 4, W. Herschel 4, La...
Nonetheless, competing local and metropolitan newspapers responded in a variety of ways. Most substituted full-color temperature maps for the standard weather maps, while others dropped the comparatively drab satellite photos or added regional forecast maps with pictorial symbols to indicate rainy, snowy...
Altimetry definition: the science of measuring altitudes, as by altimeters.. See examples of ALTIMETRY used in a sentence.
space6.planete.organize and carry object sent into space as part of a communication system8.satelliteg.on a ship,train,plane,or other important job that a group of people are sentsomewhere (usually another country)to doMatch each word with the best meaning. ...
Serialising languages: Satellite-framed, verb-framed or neither Keywords : serial verb constructions, translational motion, verb-framed, satellite-framed, equipollently-framed.doi:10.4314/GJL.V2I1.34FK AmekaJ EssegbeyGhana Journal of LinguisticsAMEKA, Felix K., and James ESSEGBEY. 2013. Serialising...
The meaning of SATELLITE DISH is a microwave dish for receiving usually television transmissions from an orbiting satellite.
What does th e underlined word “it" refer to in the last paragraph? A. Th e Mars probe. B. Another asteroid. C. Th e man-mad e satellite. D. Th e soil from th e surfac e of Mars.( )75. What would b e th e best titl e of th e passage? A. Qu Yuan's poem-Tian...