The meaning of DWELLING is a shelter (such as a house) in which people live. How to use dwelling in a sentence.
The Meaning of Home “家”的含义 The original meaning of the word home in English was of a safe dwelling place, a village, even a world. “家”这个词在英语中的最初含义是指一个安全的居住地,一个村庄,甚至一个世界。 Now, home has implied meanings of a feeling of belonging and affection...
The meaning of DWELL ON/UPON is to think or talk about (something) for a long time. How to use dwell on/upon in a sentence.
themeaningofhome专四听写原文 The original meaning of the word home in English was of asafe dwelling place, a village, even a world. Now, home has implied meanings of a feeling of belonging and affection, / a place where you can find refuge and rest. / It meanssomething intimate and ...
dwelling [dwel-ing ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a building or place of shelter to live in; place of residence; abode; home. Discover More Other Words From mul ti·dwell ingnoun adjective Word History and Origins Origin ofdwelling1 First recorded in 1250–1300;Middle English;dwell+-ing1...
thermoregulatory behavior of avoidance. Seasonal avoidance behavior is extremely important in many amphibians. Species whose habitat lies in the temperate latitudes are confronted by lethal low temperatures in winter, while speciesdwellingin semiarid and regions are exposed to long dry, hot periods in ...
1 : to remain for a time dwell in the hallway. 2a : to live as a resident the town in which he dwelled for eight years the dwelling place of the gods. b :
, forgivingThewordJanuary denotes“ the firstmonthof theyear”, but itconnotescold weather, abitingnorthwind,snow, centralheating,skatingoreventheNe. Year.‘home’,the conceptional meaning isa dwellingplace‘differentpeoplemaymake outmore sensethanthat. Itmay remindthemoftheir‘family,...
Amphibians are therefore hardly at mercy of ambient temperature, since by means of the mechanisms described above they are more than exercise some control over their body temperature. 10.The word “dwelling” in the passage is closest in meaning to A. arriving B. originating C. evolving ...