The meaning of CONCEDE is to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly. How to use concede in a sentence. Politics and Concede Synonym Discussion of Concede.
The meaning of CONCEDE is to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly. How to use concede in a sentence. Politics and Concede Synonym Discussion of Concede.
The plain meaning of the contract will be followed where the words used—whether written or oral—have a clear and unambiguous meaning. Words are given their ordinary meaning; technical terms are given their technical meaning; and local, cultural, orTrade Usageof terms are recognized as applicable...
The first records of the termtermcome from around the 1170s. It ultimately comes from the Latin wordterminus, meaning “boundary, limit, or end.” Did you know ... ? What are some other forms related toterm? termly (adverb) half-term (noun) ...
Word History and Origins Origin ofconcede1 First recorded in1625–35;fromLatinconcēdere,equivalent tocon-con-+cēdere“to withdraw, yield”;cede Discover More Example Sentences Scotland are ranked number one in the tournament for fewest tries conceded, fewest tackles missed and most ball carries, ...
Courtesy title, a title assumed by a person, or popularly conceded to him, to which he has no valid claim; as, the courtesy title of Lord prefixed to the names of the younger sons of noblemen. Syn: Politiness; urbanity; civility; complaisance; affability; courteousness; elegance; ...
Definitions of admissible adjective deserving to be admitted “admissible evidence” synonyms: admittable, admittible deserving to be allowed to enter allowable deserving to be allowed or considered permissible that may be accepted or conceded see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Admissible....
and thus the set of skills and range of knowledge of their wisdom elite. When their political counterparts discovered gullibility of people as means to have them pay for their parties, religions and priests in the modern sense of the word emerged, but before that, a culture's wisdom elite ...
originally applied toAugustus; Julius being the implied paternal deity — was besides a general and statesman a prolific writer who wrote about pretty much everything, sometimes in critically acclaimed poetry. But the bulk of Caesar's work — the "Word of God", so to speak — has been lost...
The word golf derives from the Dutch word kolf or kolve, meaning club. Getting a Handle on Golf 2008 '' I think he's a better player than I was, '' Nicklaus conceded after two days of playing with the man whose sole purpose in golf is to break his record of Woods leads, Nicklaus...