The meaning of ARISTOCRATIC is belonging to, having the qualities of, or favoring aristocracy. How to use aristocratic in a sentence.
The meaning of ARISTOCRACY is government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class. How to use aristocracy in a sentence.
Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofaristocracy1 First recorded in1555–65;fromMiddle Frencharistocratie,fromMedieval Latinaristocracia, aristocratia,fromGreekaristokratía“rule of the best”; equivalent toaristo-+-cracy Advertisement
An aristocrat (or an aristocratic family) has fallen on hard times, and the expense of maintaining the image of wealth results in spending the family's capital. A younger child of an aristocratic family might be given only a very small allowance. Some countries (such as Poland) had such hu...
The problems that were faced and solved in Athens were the sharing of political power between the established aristocracy and the emerging other classes, and the adjustment of aristocratic ways of life to the ways of life of the new polis. It was the harmonious blending of all of these ...
Example SentencesWord of the DayQuiz Advertisement A movement for moredemocracyin American government in the 1830s. Led by President AndrewJackson, this movement championed greater rights for the common man and was opposed to any signs ofaristocracyin the nation. Jacksonian democracy was aided by ...
The imagination is not extinct, but its chief function is to devise what may be useful and to represent what is real. The principle of equality not only diverts men from the description of ideal beauty; it also diminishes the number of objects to be described. Aristocracy, by maintaining ...
Over the course of the Fifth Reign (1868 – 1910), the ties that bound rural people to the aristocracy and local ruling elites were greatly reduced. Peasants now paid a tax on individuals instead of being required to render labor service to the government. Under these conditions, it made go...
This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated the banking system for their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue by encouraging speculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. The Democrats wanted the rewards of the market without sacrificing the...
The meaning of ARISTOCRAT is a member of an aristocracy; especially : noble. How to use aristocrat in a sentence. Did you know?