主聖餐的含義 THE MEANING OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 〔Traditional Chinese〕 海羅伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)原著道文 约翰.撒母耳.凯根(Mr. John Samuel Cagan)先生 於主日,二○一八年二月四日早 在洛杉磯 浸信会幕所宣之道 A sermon preached by Mr. John Samuel Cagan at the Baptist Tabernacle o...
Lord’s Supper, the meaning, definition, what is Lord’s Supper, the: another name for the Eucharist: Learn more.
To answer that question and to help you find out what meaning the Lord’s Supper has for you, we invite you to read the following article. Pian naebatan itan tan pian natulongan kan mangamta no anto so kakanaan na Pangdem na Katawan ed sika, imbitaan mi kan basaen so ontumbok ya...
The Last Supper is commemorated...- 'thanksgiving'), also called Holy Communion, the Blessed Sacrament or the Lord's Supper, is a Christian rite, considered a sacrament in most churches and an ordinance...- supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns (25...
The Eucharist, also called Holy Communion of the Lord's Supper, is the practice of eating bread and drinking wine to commemorate the body broken and blood spilled during Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Denominations and churches vary on how the Eucharist or Communion is observed, but the idea of ...
"The five means of grace are prayer, searching the Scriptures, the Lord's Supper, fasting, and Christian [fellowship]." (Elaine A. Heath) The Importance of Grace Grace is most needed and best understood in the midst of sin, suffering, and brokenness. We live in a world of earning, de...
Christ institutes His Holy SupperVerses 26-30~ This ordinance of the Lord's supper is to us the Passover supper, by which we commemorate a much greater deliverance than that of Israel out of Egypt. Take, eat; accept of Christ as he is offered to you; receive the atonement, approve of...
Think About the Meaning Series 1 Corinthians Bookmark Promote Download Share Speaker Don White Follow Broadcaster Wahoo Bible Church Follow Sermon Activity 77 In todays message, Don looks at the specific instructions Paul gives on the observation of the Lord's Supper. Sermon ID 2505124854 ...
: the table used in the celebration of the Lord's Supper The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologies Advanced search tools All ad-free Discover what makes Merriam-Webster Unabridged the...
Ecclesiastical.a visible sign of an inward grace, especially one of the solemn Christian rites considered to have been instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize or confer grace: the sacraments of the Protestant churches are baptism and the Lord's Supper; the sacraments of the Roman Catholic and Gr...