The Fool represents beginnings & innocence. Learn more about the Fool tarot card, including reversed & love meanings, with!
The Moon Tarot Card presents a full Moon rising in the middle of two large towers. The two towers are considered as the good and evil forces, also the Moon represents the intuitions and subconscious mind. There is a small pool too in the card with fish crawling in it, the small pool ...
Key Facts: The High Priestess Tarot Card Upright Meaning of The High Priestess Theupright meaningof this card is the same as the core meaning:Learning to trust your inner wisdom. This is a time toget comfortable with your intuitive power. All is revealed when you can sit with how things ...
This upright tarot card indicates that you feel better performing what others are doing instead of being innovative or breaking the orthodox approach towards a certain thing in your life. Hinting more towards the spiritual ceremonies or traditional rituals, you become a part of such values and get...
When the Tower card is upright in a Tarot reading, it represents a sudden, massive change. You will have to abandon the past, which may mean the loss of money, security, or short-term happiness. This means a period of upheaval, but you can take advantage of the catastrophe. Build somet...
The implied finality in The World card also contains a beginning: the wreath is both a boundary that limits, as well as an opening, a birth canal through which new life can emerge. The World is the 21stMajor Arcanatarot card and represents the culmination ofThe Fool’s journey. In The ...
The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning Seeing the Lovers in your reading is a favorable sign. Often interpreted as romantic love referring to marriage or sexuality, it is also much more than this. The card being present represents the hand of the divine reaching down and blessing you in your life at...
Death Tarot Card Description The messenger of Death, represented by a skeleton riding a white horse and wearing black armour, is seen on the Death card. The armour denotes invincibility and the knowledge that death will occur regardless of what happens; the skeleton symbolizes the portion of the...
manifest positive change with your partner, you can also create something beautiful together. A Magician tarot card in a love reading --- has the potential to bring great things to your relationship. On a more negative note, think of the magician as the “trickster” who is he trying to ...
Judgement is the 20th tarot card in the Major Arcana, and it depicts a scene of rebirth and transformation, heralding a time of reckoning with the past in order to move forward with a new perspective. All of the lessons of The Fool’s Journey have led to this moment, where we’re pre...