From Longman Business Dictionaryˈtender ˌoffer1an occasion when an investor offers to buy a particular quantity of existing shares or bonds at a particular price. The sale occurs only if all the existing owners agree to sell at this price2a type of new share offer, when investors say ho...
The meaning of TENDER OFFER is a public offer to buy not less than a specified number of shares of a stock at a fixed price from stockholders usually in an attempt to gain control of the issuing company.
denied accepting the offer see also revoke, tender offer 2 : a price named by one proposing to buy (as in a bid, bargain, or settlement) : the amount of an offer to pay money decided the offer was too low offer verb More...
We did not offer to go first. to give, make, or promise: She offered no response. to present solemnly as an act of worship or devotion, as to God, a deity or a saint; sacrifice. to present for sale: He offered the painting to me at a reduced price. to tender or bid as a pri...
A point to note is that the tender offer does not necessarily require the approval of the target company’s board of directors. If the BoD approves, it is good, and if not, the tender offer turns into a “hostile takeover” attempt. ...
to tender one's resignation. to offer or proffer. offer, as money or goods, in payment of a debt or other obligation, especially in exact accordance with the terms of the law and of the obligation. verb (used without object) ...
must be for not less than £50 000.put something out to tender•Thelegislationtakes noaccountof theexpensethat isincurredwhen acouncilputs work out to tender. From Longman Business Dictionaryten‧der1/ˈtendə-ər/noun[countable]1an offer to do a job or provide goods or services ...
Task3.2 Explain the meaning of an offer and distinguish it from an invitation to treat Task 3-2 Explain the meaning of an offer and distinguish it from an invitation to treat
The meaning of OFFER is to present as an act of worship or devotion : sacrifice. How to use offer in a sentence.
The meaning of OFFER is to present as an act of worship or devotion : sacrifice. How to use offer in a sentence.