1 : a call of a huntsman at sight of the fox 2 [Tally-ho, name of a coach formerly plying between London and Birmingham] : a four-in-hand coach Word History Etymology probably from French taïaut, a cry used to excite hounds in deer hunting First Known Use 1772, in the ...
Popular in Wordplay See More 9 Superb Owl Words 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things
a cry of “tallyho.” interjection the cry of a hunter on first sighting the fox. verb (used with object) ,tal·ly·hoedortal·ly·ho'd,tal·ly·ho·ing. to arouse by crying “tallyho,” as to the hounds. verb (used without object) ...
nounThe cry of “tallyho.” nounA fast coach drawn by four horses. from The Century Dictionary. A hunting cry: a mere exclamation. nounA cry of “Tally-ho.” See the interjection. nounA name for a mail-coach or a four-in-hand pleasure coach; by extension, in the United States, a...
tally tantamount temporary tentative the like of the likes of the same the same difference third string tit for tat token traded transposed twin unanimous understudy undifferenced uniform unisonant unisonous utility utility player very image very same vicar vicariou...
He counted traffic (in both directions) on 8 streets around the development (selected randomly). He recorded for 8 minutes. He used a stopwatch for timing and a simple tally chart for recording the data. He completed the tally at different times of the day. ...
nounA four-wheeled close vehicle of considerable size; originally, a finely built covered carriage for private use; now, any large inclosed vehicle with the body hung on easy springs, especially one for public conveyance of passengers: as, a stage-coach.Seemail-coach, tally-ho. ...
Yet, lookingat the situationat hand,thesesymbolsseemto alsoworksacramen-tallybecauseof theirambiguityin an interplayofpresenceand absence.Thisunder-standing of sacramentalityis similarto thatproposedby LouisMarieChauvet’sthe-ologyofsacramentalityas expressedinSymbolandSacrament(Chauvet 1995)andborrowsfrom...
Origin of yoicks 1 First recorded in 1765–75; compare earlierhoick(s)< ? Words Nearbyyoicks yo-heave-ho yohimbe yohimbine yo-ho yo-ho-ho yoicks yoink yok yoke yoked yokefellow Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024 ...
) To make a nick or nicks in; to notch; to keep count of or upon by nicks; as, to nick a stick, tally, etc. Nick (v. t.) To mar; to deface; to make ragged, as by cutting nicks or notches in. Nick (v. t.) To suit or fit into, as by a correspondence of nicks; to...