The meaning of GET is to gain possession of. How to use get in a sentence. How do you pronounce get?: Usage Guide
The meaning of GET is to gain possession of. How to use get in a sentence. How do you pronounce get?: Usage Guide
Will this bus take me across town? (of a road, path, etc.) to serve as a means of conducting to or through some place or region: Fifth Avenue took us through the center of town. These stairs will take you up to the attic.
I have no money on me. (used to indicate time or occasion): on Sunday; We demand cash on delivery. (used to indicate the object or end of motion): to march on the capital. (used to indicate the object or end of action, thought, desire, etc.): ...
And now I want to do something else that's a little different. And there was nowhere for me to go inside the company. It just wasn't challenging for me any more and because I needed a challenge, I decided to move on. ( Q4) When I heard about the position of senior researcher ...
who were all white and most of whom lived in estates in that neighborhood""I never fit in with the kids , who were all white and most of whom lived in estates in that neighborhood"在父母离婚后牛姐继续跟着牛妈生活,在牛妈的熏陶下,牛姐的乐感和作词能力有了很多提升,不过牛妈后来的几段恋情...
又 名人生七部曲 The Meaning of Life 编 剧格雷厄姆·查普曼Gr...约翰·克立斯 主 演格雷厄姆·查普曼Graham约翰·克立斯特瑞·吉列姆艾瑞克·爱都特里·琼斯 剧情 这是一部喜剧片,共分七章来笑论人生的百态。内容包含了人性、性欲、宗教等应有尽有的人生问题。剧中大量运用了讽刺的手法,疯狂幽默之处令人捧腹喷饭。
aPoet William Stafford once said that we are defined more by the detours(绕行路) in life that by the narrow road toward goals. I like this image. But it was quite by accident that I discovered the deep meaning of his words. 诗人威廉Stafford,一旦说我们由改道绕行路在() 由窄路往目标的生...
The meaning of SHIT is bodily waste discharged through the anus : feces, excrement. How to use shit in a sentence.
The meaning of ACCOUNT is a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern. How to use account in a sentence.