subordination: The act of subordinating, subjecting, or placing in a lower order, rank, or position, or in proper degrees of rank; also, the state of being subordinate or inferior; inferiority of rank or dignity.
The meaning of PRONOUN is any of a small set of words (such as I, she, he, you, it, we, or they) in a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context. How to use pronoun in a sent
The meaning of SUBCOMMISSION is a secondary or subordinate commission. How to use subcommission in a sentence.
To attend or wait upon; act as servant to; work for; be in the employment of as a slave, domestic, hired helper, or the like. To render spiritual obedience and worship to; conform to the law and do the will of. To be subordinate or subservient to; minister to. To wait on or att...
[81] As with the Insurrection Act, there is no clear statement in Title 32 to suggest that Congress intended to reverse the usual constitutional order in which the military remains subordinate to civilian authority. Under the Supreme Court’s reasoning inDuncan, the language cited by Barr could...
a subordinate section of a larger clause in a document, contract, etc “Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 ...
noungrammarA verb along with its subject and their modifiers. If a clause provides a complete thought on its own, then it is an independent (superordinate) clause; otherwise, it is (subordinate) dependent. nounlawA separate part of a contract, a will or another legal document. ...
3. Any portion of territory of undefined extent; a region; a country; a tract. These districts which between the tropics lie. --Blackstone. Congressional district. See under Congressional. District attorney, the prosecuting officer of a district or district court. District court, a subordinate ...
Additionally, I wanted to expose the institutional structures, forces, and "wordless authorities" that worked to subordinate these women and keep them silent. Life history interviews of 15 older women survivors, aged 60 to 89, were collected and analyzed. Four of the women were Native American ...
Relativepronounsintroduce asubordinate clause, a part of a sentence that includes a subject and verb but does not form a sentence by itself. The main relative pronouns arethat,which,who,whom,what, andwhose. Reflexive pronounsrefer back to the subject of a sentence or clause and are formed by...