The meaning of SIGN OFF is to announce the end of something (such as a message or broadcast). How to use sign off in a sentence.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsign offphrasal verb1informalto end aradioortelevisionprogrammeby saying goodbye2to write yourfinalmessageat the end of aninformalletterIt’s getting late, so I’ll sign off now. Love, John.3sign somebody offBritish Englishif adoctorsignssomeone off,...
rampant crime is asymptomof that city's decay Examples ofsignin a Sentence NounThesignin the store window says “OPEN.”After you get off the highway, follow thesignsfor Route 25.He ran the stopsign. Recent Examples on the Web
sign-off Advertisement sign-off noun(2) Word History and OriginsRelated WordsWord of the DayQuiz Advertisement View synonyms forsign-off orsign·off [sahyn-awf,-of] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the act or fact of signing off. personal approval or authorization; endorsement....
The president is expected to sign off on the new agreement. to cease radio or television broadcasting, especially at the end of the day. to withdraw from a responsibility or connection. end a conversation, especially on the phone or online: ...
Signal Off Indicates that the end-of-cycle signal sounds are deactivated. Mixed Load Bell Activates an alert when the cycle reaches 80% dryness, suggesting the removal of lighter items. If unpaused, the cycle continues as normal. Vent Check ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
The meaning of OFFICIOUS is volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed : meddlesome. How to use officious in a sentence. We Are Eager to Help You Define Officious Synonym Discussion of Officious.
Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Advertisement add this widget to your site Did You Know? Tuxedo was given its name after gaining popularity among diners at Tuxedo...
Watch for unexplained mood changes in the elder, especially depression and anxiety. The elder can also appear confused, or if they are not able to make sense of something. If you feel something is "off," it is always worth investigating. ...