Example of SIC used in texting: 1. Text message from friend: "I saw this really funny meme about weather 'fenomenon' today!" My response: "Haha that's great - 'fenomenon' SIC?" 2. Text message from mom: "Just read a news article about how bananas are going extinct. Can you believe...
单项选择题 “Quip” has the meaning of ___ in the text. A.equip B.making a humorous remark C.quit D.making a serious remark 点击查看答案
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
The penultimate element in the marching columns of Vespasian invading Galilea and of Titus advancing against Jerusalem is called by Josephus (sic) or (sic). Almost unanimously, these words have been translated "mercenaries" and understood as auxiliary and/or allies of the Roman army. It is demo...
Thanks to its confusingly similar pronunciation, tenant (“occupant, land-holder”) is sometimes erroneously used in place of tenet (“principle, doctrine”). Consider this example: One of the ancient tenants of the Buddist [sic] belief is, “He who sits still, wins” –Police, January/Febr...
The Nature and Limits of Orientation and Pattern Processing Supporting Visuomotor Control in a Visual Form Agnosic We have previously reported that a patient (DF) with visual form agnosia shows accurate guidance of hand and finger movements with respect to the size, ori... MA Goodale,LS Jakobso...
Tetsic Ceram Medical, Technology, Voice Tokyo Convention Tags Calendar Tourism Commission Travel, Canada, Locations True Conjugate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare Thereostatically-Controlled Technology, Cube, Outlet, Thermo Taxol, Carbo Temperaturv Cycling Technology Type Code Army, War, Force Tennis Clubs...
--Abbott. Interpretation properly precedes construction, but it does not go beyond the written text. --Parsons. Construction of an equation (Math.), the drawing of such lines and figures as will represent geometrically the quantities in the equation, and their relations to each other. ...
There's no punctuation in the Shakespeare, so I suppose one could read it either: 1) Go, get him surgeons! 2) Go get him, surgeons! Watch out, or I'll sic my Shakespearian surgeons on you! July 17, 2008 johnmperry commented on the word punctuation From my schooldays: King ...
In accordance with HK(SIC), Int 12, the Company is required to consolidate the Trust as the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the Trust andcanderivebenefits from the contributions of employees who have been awarded the Awarded Shares throughtheiremployment wi...