The meaning of SERENE is marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude. How to use serene in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Serene.
The meaning of QUIET is the quality or state of being quiet : tranquility. How to use quiet in a sentence.
Originserenade1(1600-1700)Frenchsérénade, fromItalianserenata, fromsereno“clear, calm”, fromLatinserenus;→SERENE Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check. Verb table serenade Simple Form Present I, you, we, theyserenade ...
In addition to the idiom beginning withquiet, also seekeep quiet;peace and quiet. Discover More Synonym Study Seestill1. Discover More Related Words gentle mild placid private secluded sedate serene shy smooth stable tranquil Word of the Day ...
From Middle English smoothe, smothe, smethe, from Old English smōþ, smōþe ("smooth, serene, calm, unruffled") and Old English smēþe ("smooth, polished, soft, without roughness or inequalities of surface, without discomfort or annoyance, suave, agreeable, avoiding offence, not irri...
Giles Farnaby was an English composer of virginal music and madrigals who ranks with the greatest keyboard composers of his day. Farnaby was said to have come from the family of the schoolmaster and scholar Thomas Farnaby of Truro. He graduated as a bach
serene seventeen shaheen sheen sixteen skeen skene spleen submachine submarine sunscreen tambourine tangerine teen thirteen trampoline treen umpteen unclean unforeseen unseen vaccine wean wolverine Comments Log in or sign up to get involved in the conversation. It's qu...
•Down in the Mootwalk a womanlaughedand from the water aswangave itsharsh,gratingcry.•Muteswan,statelyandserene, are present all the year.•We know thatswansare strong andviolentand can attack you.•But for the time beingconservationistseverywhere arehappyto know that theswansand the...
Meaninghasbeenstudiedforthousandsofyearsbyphilosophers,logiciansandlinguists.E.g.Plato&Aristotle.荀子:名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。名无固实,约之以命实,约定俗成谓之实名。名有固善,径易而不拂,谓之善名。物有同状而异所者,有异状而同所者,可别也。TheNamingTheory Pla...
hasbeenstudiedforthousandsofyearsbyphilosophers,logiciansandlinguists.E.g.Plato&Aristotle.约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。名无固实,约之以命实,约定俗成谓之实名。名有固善,径易而不拂,谓之善名。物有同状而异所者,有异状而同所者,可别也。荀子:名无固宜,约之以命,TheNamingTheory ...