The meaning of ORGAN is a differentiated structure (such as a heart, kidney, leaf, or stem) consisting of cells and tissues and performing some specific function in an organism. How to use organ in a sentence.
He encounters thought control, vampiric personality absorption, music that kills, colors beyond the usual spectrum, various new sense organs, the truth about Nightspore and Krag and, above all, the meaning and necessity of pain. FromWashington Post ...
The meaning of ORGANISM is a complex structure of interdependent and subordinate elements whose relations and properties are largely determined by their function in the whole. How to use organism in a sentence.
entire process may be mental or intellectual: a sense of failure. A sensation is an impression derived from an objective (external) stimulus through any of the sense organs: a sensation of heat. It is also a general, indefinite physical or emotional feeling: a sensation of weariness. See...
into something that may not be right for you. Move slowly. In nature, the Snake’s tongue is one of the most developed sensory organs. It gathers a great deal of information quickly so Snake stays out of harm’s way. Let that refined sense of “smell” direct you toward the best ...
Following the October Revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks embarked upon a series of economic policies in the attempt to establish a socialist economic order. Commenting on the consequences of the economic policies enacted in the wake of the October Revolu
Well, there's obviously a reason behind this; since a dog's sense of smell is at least 10,000 better than a human's, they use their nose to learn about the world around them. Dogs learn about each other by sniffing each other's butts; they can learn about the other dog's gender...
Whatis“meaning”? philosophy,logic,linguistics Whatis“semanticmeaning”? Sentencemeaningandwordmeaning ThreeconceptionsofwordmeaningSemantictriangle Whatis“wordmeaning”? Whatis“meaning”? Aneasyquestion,buthardtoanswer. 一个有意义的活动 意义=value,purpose,importance...
This spatial chemical perception is like other systems for spatial perception that are based on simultaneous stimulation of two separated sense organs—for example, auditory localization, which depends on differential stimulation at the two ears.Similarly, the use of the two eyes permits stereovision....
The meaning of SENSE is a meaning conveyed or intended : import, signification; especially : one of a set of meanings a word or phrase may bear especially as segregated in a dictionary entry. How to use sense in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Sense.