sedentarybirds sedentarycivilizations 2 a :doing or requiring much sitting asedentaryjob b :not physically active asedentarylifestyle 3 :permanently attached sedentarybarnacles Did you know? Sit and Learn AboutSedentary Sedentarycomes from Latinsedēre, meaning "to sit." Other descendants ofsedēreinclude...
more than 40percentof males and more than 80 percent offemalesaresedentary.•I tend now to thesedentary, and when Iwalkin thecityIprefertoamble.•People withsedentaryjobs generally need toeatless than those in veryactiveoccupations.•Is beingfatdangerous, or is it thesedentarylifestylethat of...
On Thursday, Feb 6, during a focus group with parents, teachers and public and private school and early childhood program representatives, the discussion zeroed in on the high levels of stress and anxiety among students, teachers and parents, as well as the sedentary lifestyle of young people....
lifestyleThey lead an extremely lavish lifestyle.COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa healthy lifestyleA healthy lifestyle includes taking exercise and not active lifestyle(=in which you exercise)An active lifestyle has many health benefits.a sedentary lifestyle(=in which you sit down a lot and do...
A sedentary lifestyle has implications for health and well-being. For healthy ageing, it is recommended to interrupt prolonged sitting; however, little is known about the meaning of sedentary behavior among older adults. The aim of this study was to understand the meaning of sedentary behavior ...
Nutrition and Diabetes: Our Role in Patient Care: If we don't educate our patients about the dangers of poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles, the i... Whose responsibility is it to educate our patients about the importance of nutrition, lifestyle and excess weight gain with respect to...
One of the main consequences of sprawl is its negative impact on physical activity. The spread-out nature of suburban areas often leads to longer distances between destinations, discouraging walking or cycling as viable transportation options. This sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of obesity...
Woman: Childhood obesity is becoming a real problem in a number of Western countries now. Too many young people are overweight and this is causing a lot of health problems. Man: So I’ve heard. Apparently it’s due to their sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Woman: That’s right, I ...
that could fit anyone’s lifestyle.” Other members of the group have not expressed certainty either way. “Was it a gay song? I don’t know,” Horace Ott, who arranged the song’s brass instrumentals, toldSPIN. “It certainly appealed to a lot of people who embraced that lifestyle....
Sedentary definition: characterized by or requiring a sitting posture. See examples of SEDENTARY used in a sentence.