Script kiddie definition: a child or teenager who gains illegal access to computer systems, often by using hacking programs downloaded from the internet. See examples of SCRIPT KIDDIE used in a sentence.
← Previous - scrillas scrip script kiddie - Next →Definition of scripscrip noun a prescription for medicine. I'll write you a scrip for a higher dosage. See more words with the same meaning: abbreviations (list of). See more words with the same meaning: medicine (related to). Last ...
niǎo Ninchanese is the best way to learn Chinese. Try it forfree. Sign me up 鸟(鳥) Definition bird 我以前经常用手机玩“愤怒的小鸟”。 I used to play Angry Birds all the time on my phone. meaning component(bird) radical(Kang Xi 196)...
Origin ofscriptorium1 1765–75;<Medieval Latinscrīptōrium;script,-tory2 Discover More Example Sentences “Soon after the printing press emerged in the 15th century, the scriptoriums for copying manuscripts in monasteries rapidly began shutting down,” said Fidler, now 81 and living in retirement in...
Kiddier (n.) A huckster; a cadger. Kiddle (n.) A kind of basketwork wear in a river, for catching fish. Kiddow (n.) The guillemot. Kiddy (v. t.) To deceive; to outwit; to hoax. Kiddy (n.) A young fellow; formerly, a low thief. Kiddyish (a.) Frolicsome; sportive. Kid...
The scene above is highly reminiscent of the famous tornado scene inThe Wizard of Ozwhich takes Dorothy to the land of Oz. In Monarch mind control,The Wizard of Ozis used as a programming script where the Land of Oz symbolizes dissociation. ...