The meaning of SCOPE OUT is to look at (someone or something) especially in order to get information. How to use scope out in a sentence.
The meaning of SCOPE is intention, object. How to use scope in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Scope.
Scope out definition: to assess the potential of an opportunity or suggestion. See examples of SCOPE OUT used in a sentence.
to look at or over; examine; check out: a rock musician scoping out the audience before going on stage. to master; figure out: By the time we'd scoped out the problem, it was too late. -scope 2 a combining form meaning “instrument for viewing,” used in the formation of compound ...
剑桥雅思10Test3阅读Passage1答案解析 The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 旅游业 剑桥雅思10 Test3 Passage1阅读原文翻译 段落A Travel has existed since the beginning of time, when primitive man set out, often traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing...
The Context, Meaning and Scope of TourismA Travel has existed since the beginning of time, when primitive man set out, often traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing necessary for his survival. Throughout the course of history, people have travelled ...
(8) are such a pair of sentences, and needn’t have the same truth-value. The proponent of possible worlds semantics solves this problem by identifying the meaning of these expressions with their intension rather than their reference, and by pointing out that “cordate” and “renate”, ...
of skepticism about meaning is correct, then there is neither a true semantic theory nor a true foundational theory of meaning to be found, since the relevant sort of facts simply are not around to be described or analyzed. Discussion of these skeptical arguments is beyond the scope of this ...
noun logic The shortest sub-wff of which a given instance of a logical connective is a part of. noun slang Shortened form of periscope, telescope, microscope or oscilloscope. verb To perform a cursory investigation, as to scope out. verb slang To perform arthroscopic surgery. verb slang To ...
The rise of science fiction literature and media in the 20th century could have contributed to the popularization of the phrase. Science fiction often deals with futuristic or fantastical concepts that are beyond the scope of ordinary experience, and phrases like “out of this world” could have ...