immersedthere in the luminescentyellowall around.•Hisisland, shemused, as she drove throughalmondandolivegroves.•Thedensepalmgrovehad been cleared and hundreds of casuarina treeschoppeddown andgrubbedout.•theredwoodgrovesofNorthernCalifornia•As adescriptionof asacredgrove, with itslegends, ...
sacred groves operated as literal homes of the gods. Instead of being confined to prehistory or celestial space, spiritual parkscapes were present within the existing cultural terrain. One could not visit a symbol of peace and serenity, but one could experience these qualities in a sacred grove....
Paganism has often looked to forest groves or mountain tops for inspiration and spiritual transformation. Deep Blue plunges deep into sacred waters through thirteen essays by leading writers in the expanding academic field of nature religion. Amongst others, the book will be of interest to nature ...
This chance meeting with a flake of chalk took place on top of Scafell Pike, a place full of modern monuments and offerings, to the dead mainly, many of whose ashes lie around the summit cairn, and older structures that could be interpreted as monuments; the Neolithic Axe working sites. T...
Massachusetts has endless cultural attractions including theater, music, museums, and antique shops (just to name a few), and of course, you can forget about the state's natural beauty. Massachusetts really gives you a great opportunity to get outside and explore everything mother nature has to...
At length, quite vain, he needs would show His master what his art could do; And bade his slaves the chariot lead To Academus' sacred shade. FromProject Gutenberg True he sat at the feet of the wise men of Greece in the Gardens of Academus, but the eurythmy of their gests fascinated ...
has led to nearlyidenticalprices and plans.•threeidenticalstatues•The picture isidenticalto the one in themuseumofModernArtin New York.•On two grounds, then, humans areidenticalto the world; for this we have both cosmological and anthropological data.•I believe theDruidsacredgrovesto ...
Ugrian: A member of a group of Finno-Ugric peoples of western Siberia and Hungary, including the Magyars.
•Normally the crowns ofredwoodsare so densely foliated that you are notableto see thesky.•The state of California wouldspendanother $ 130 million tobuytheredwoodgroves.•On theredwoodtablenearbythere was aletterfrom him but she kept her hands away from it.•Theredwoodgardenstepwasempty....
population graze their sheep. Most of the Great Ararat is treeless, but Little Ararat has a few birch groves. Despite the abundant cover ofsnow, the Ararat area suffers from scarcity of water. 1 of 2 Mount AraratMount Ararat, viewed from Armenia....