intonation that the meaning—the idea—and the affect is manifested. To this end, there should also be mastery of the instruments as tools of expression, to fulfil the demands of intonation. “Music is made of conventionally organized sounds. It signifies only itself. [Such is] the condition ...
(Priestly Code, P) makes no mention of angels. The Book of Revelation naturally shows a close kinship to the books of Ezekiel and Daniel. Regarding the rabbinical developments of angelology, some beautiful, some extravagant, some grotesque, but all fanciful, it is not necessary here to speak...
Whether one looks at the early intellectual excitement embodied in Sidney and Beatrice Webb’s prediction of a “new civilization” and the heralding of “true democracy” by E.H. Carr, or the later revelation of the totalitarian reality of the Soviet system, the force of this Soviet ...
Many people believe that the bible is founded on a lie. Some believe this because the scientific evidence supports Man's gradual evolution as opposed to his discrete creation in one day under creationism. Others believe this because the order of the creation of the universe in genesis...
14He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Read ChapterAll Versions Revelation 1:17-18 17When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed...
Revelation 2:28and22:16also speak of the morning star, but the Latin Vulgate usesstella matutina; literally star of the morning. Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12 The only time that Lucifer could possibly be perceived as a personal name is in Isaiah 14:12, where the Lord makes the observation: "...
In time, humanity will evolve into two kinds of post-humans: one kind will form a global government that will make sure that nobody is suppressing anyone, and the other kind will people the earth, all as free human beings, or Christs (Revelation 21:24). So very few churches depict ...
“Fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”63 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the...
Psalm 134:1 says, “. . .allye servants of the LORD.” Luke 13:27 says, “. . .allye workers of iniquity.” Romans 5:12 says, “. . .allhave sinned.” Galatians 3:8 says, “. . .allnations be blessed.” Revelation 19:5 says, “. . .allye his servants, and ye ...
but this does not in any way make it illusory or restrict it to the province of human observers or participants. Recall Stephan Harding’s statement in chapter 3 that to a muntjac deer, a single bush can be meaningful, “a juicy, succulent, significant item.” Few would deny that the mu...