The meaning of RAZZLE-DAZZLE is a state of confusion or hilarity. How to use razzle-dazzle in a sentence.
: razzle-dazzle sense 1 Word History Etymology by shortening The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologies Advanced search tools All ad-free Discover what makes Merriam-Webster Unabridged ...
razzle-dazzle [ raz-uhl-daz-uhl ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun Informal. showiness, brilliance, or virtuosity in technique or effect, often without concomitant substance or worth; flashy theatricality: The razzle-dazzle of the essay's metaphors cannot disguise its shallowness of thought. Chiefly ...
dazzle•She slowly opened her eyes, only to bedazzledby a strongshaftofsunlight.•If you aredazzledby oncomingtraffic,slowdown and look for a place to stop.•Staringout the trainwindow, we weredazzledby thescenery.•Firekeptflashingin thecave,dazzlingher, and it was getting harder and ha...
Stroud may not have the razzle dazzle of some of the other QBs selected, but the 21-year-old is accurate and a safe pair of hands for a team in desperate need of just that. From BBC The whole committee has been such a snooze that Republicans are starting to gripe to journalists that...
- Dazzle camouflage, also known as razzle dazzle (in the U.S.) or dazzle painting, is a type of ship camouflage that was used extensively in World War I...- Computer vision dazzle, also known as CV dazzle, dazzle makeup, or anti-surveillance makeup, is a type of camouflage used to...
razzle dazzle: the sparkle and <xref>gleam</xref> often associated with the entertainment industry, <xref>glitz</xref>.
Definitions ofrazzle noun any exciting and complex play intended to confuse (dazzle) the opponent synonyms:razmataz,razzle-dazzle,razzmatazz see more Examples from books and articles All sources loading examples... < prev|next > DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and ...
The meaning of DAZZLE is to lose clear vision especially from looking at bright light. How to use dazzle in a sentence.
The meaning of DAZZLE is to lose clear vision especially from looking at bright light. How to use dazzle in a sentence.