The meaning of RADIOACTIVE is of, caused by, or exhibiting radioactivity. How to use radioactive in a sentence.
The meaning of RADIOACTIVITY is the property possessed by some elements (such as uranium) or isotopes (such as carbon 14) of spontaneously emitting energetic particles (such as electrons or alpha particles) by the disintegration of their atomic nuclei; a
radioactive•Onebecquerelisequalto oneradioactivedecayper second.•radioactivedecay•Butpotassiumitself is one of the most importantradioactiveheatsourcesin theplanets.•Theseelementsaremajorsources ofradioactiveheating.•a highlyradioactivematerial•Originally thismeansofdisposalwasperformedas anexperime...
Radioactivity definition: the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element.. See examples of RADIOACTIVITY used in a sentence.
a succession of elements initiated in the radioactive decay of a parent, as thorium or uranium, each of which decays into the next until a stable element, usually lead, is produced. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofradioactive series1 ...
The invention concerns a cask for a canister containing radioactive material, comprising a canister extraction assembly and designed so that it can bring the canister to an extraction position inside the cask housing in which this canister is free of any contact with the inner surface. Also, one...
Thetreatmentofcitrinecrystal Teacrystal,alsoknownassmokecrystal,jade,radioactive, energyhiddenheavy.Citrinecanpromotethedevelopmentof renewablecapacity,thefasterwoundhealing,enhanceimmunity, activatecells,restoreyouth,youtheffect.Canhelpto analyzeandmastertheabilitytohelpimprovethetaste. Especiallyabsorboilandgas,the...
The tea crystal is alsocalled smoke crystal, ink crystal, radioactive, energy hidden heavy. Teacrystal can promote the development of regeneration ability, make the woundheal faster, strengthen immunity, activate the cell, rejuvenate the youth, havethe effect of rejuvenating the child. Ability to ...
Remaining waste from tests and radioactive waste produced for nuclear energy or defense objectives are thrown into the oceans. The health of the environment is impacted by the unusually long life of this garbage. Effects of Biological, Chemical, and Physical Agents in the Air on Human Health ...
The meaning of RADIOACTIVE SERIES is a series of elements that are formed by disintegration of a long-lived parent (as actinium, thorium, or uranium) through the successive loss of alpha or beta particles sometimes by alternative routes and that are all