放射衰變 (Radioactive Decay) “放射衰變”的意思(Meaning of Radioactive Decay ) l “放射衰變”係指: n 對於一個唔穩定嘅核素,為咗要變得穩定,核素自發地放出輻射。 l 至於點解叫做“衰變”,我哋可以當係因為: l 如果核素放出嘅輻射係 或β輻射,放咗輻射後嘅核素會“ ”成另一個核素。 l 變成另一...
The meaning of RADIOACTIVE is of, caused by, or exhibiting radioactivity. How to use radioactive in a sentence.
UNDERSTANDING THE ORIGIN AND MEANING OF THE RADIOACTIVE DECAY EQUATION, ArtículoThe radioactive decay equation can be derived, as an exercise in calculus and probability, as a consequence of two physical principles: a radioactive nucleus has no memory, and decay times for any two nuclei of the...
Radioactive decay definition: a radioactive process in which a nucleus undergoes spontaneous transformation into one or more different nuclei and simultaneously emits radiation, loses electrons, or undergoes fission.. See examples of RADIOACTIVE DECAY us
The meaning of DECAY is to undergo decomposition. How to use decay in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Decay.
radioactive•Onebecquerelisequalto oneradioactivedecayper second.•radioactivedecay•Butpotassiumitself is one of the most importantradioactiveheatsourcesin theplanets.•Theseelementsaremajorsources ofradioactiveheating.•a highlyradioactivematerial•Originally thismeansofdisposalwasperformedas anexperime...
the corpse was in an advanced state of decay the house had fallen into a serious state of decay and disrepair Definition (noun) the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation Synonyms:disintegration,radioactive decay ...
Exhibiting or pertaining to radioactivity (which see): as,radioactivesubstances. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. adjective(Physics), obsoleteCapable of luminescence under the action of cathode rays, X rays, or any of the allied forms of radiation. ...
1.the state or quality of being active 2.lively action or movement 3.any specific deed, action, pursuit, etc:recreational activities. 4.(General Physics) the number of disintegrations of a radioactive substance in a given unit of time, usually expressed in curies or disintegrations per second...
radioactive series noun ,Physics, Chemistry. a succession of elements initiated in the radioactive decay of a parent, as thorium or uranium, each of which decays into the next until a stable element, usually lead, is produced. Discover More...