The meaning of QUOTE is to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment. How to use quote in a sentence.
a portion or thingallotted; a share granted. Synonyms:ration,lot,measure (in U.S. military use) the portion of pay that an officer or enlisted person authorizes to be paid directly to another person, as a dependent, or an institution, as an insurance company. ...
the European Parliament on April 28, 2021. While the deal, known as theTrade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), allowed tariff- and quota-free trade in goods, U.K.-EU trade still faces customs checks. This means that commerce is not as smooth as when the U.K. was a member of the EU...
old-age insurance order ordering part patch pecuniary aid pension percentage piece placement plot portion price support proportion public assistance public welfare quantum quota rake-off ration rations regimentation relief retirement benefits scholarship ...