The meaning of QUALITY CONTROL is an aggregate of activities (such as design analysis and inspection for defects) designed to ensure adequate quality especially in manufactured products.
This method focusses on automating the entire manufacturing process in which there is a constant monitoring of quality control limits and thresholds against the manufactured products. Statistical methods and systems are used to evaluate the actual product data with control limits and a real time v...
The meaning of QUALITY CONTROL CHART is a chart that gives the results of periodic sampling for rejects of a manufactured product and that is used in making decisions concerning the maintenance of product quality.
Quality can be measured...- Quality control (QC) is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. ISO 9000 defines quality control as "a part...- quality planning, quality ***urance, quality control, and quality improvement. Quality management is focus...
Social control"Quality" refers nominatively to a standard of performance. Quality is the central idea that differentiates speech protected by academic freedom (the right to worthwhile utterances) from constitutionally protected speech (the right to say anything at all). Extant documents and discussions...
statistical quality control meaning, definition, what is statistical quality control: the use of statistics to check informati...: Learn more.
The article examines two types of problems in professional control that affect quality:slippageandoverreach. Both are instances of organizational deviance and abrogation of professional ethics. It is argued that the patterns threaten the structural integrity and public confidence of faculty, fields, and ...
The meaning of QUALITY is peculiar and essential character : nature. How to use quality in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Quality.
The meaning of PRODUCTION CONTROL is systematic planning, coordinating, and directing of all manufacturing activities and influences to ensure having goods made on time, of adequate quality, and at reasonable cost.
functions previously handled by external vendors back into a company’s internal operations. It offers greater control over quality, fosters collaboration, and supports long-term business goal. In the end, a company hopes to have improved efficiency, innovation, and protection of intellectual property...