In particle physics,preonsare point particles, conceived of as sub-components of quarks and leptons. ... Each of the preon models postulates a set of fewer fundamental particles than those of the Standard Model, together with the rules governing how those fundamental particles combine and interact...
Define "postulate" in the scientific sense. You may have to consult a good dictionary that can define scientific terms appropriately. Why don't we try to prove the postulates of the kinetic theory of gases? In terms of attractive forces and kinetic energies of particles, expl...
After analyzing the difficulties for a local realistic interpretation of quantum theory, it is argued that such an interpretation might be possible if some new postulates are added to the standard ones. We propose a stochastic interpretation of quantum theory, which involves the need of joint probab...
Most notoriously, the bizarre QAnon fantasy postulates that a global child sex-trafficking ring is being run by liberal, Satan-worshiping pedophiles whose plot will be uncovered by President Donald Trump on a “day of reckoning” involving mass arrests. This surreal mass delusion is not the only...
(i.e., are justifiable or refutable by observation), the logical positivists—essentially following Frege and Russell—had already declared mathematics to be true only by virtue of postulates and definitions. Expressed in the traditional terms used by Kant, logic and mathematics were recognized by ...
It postulates that the dynamics of physical systems minimize free energy, which is related to the negative log probability of some outcomes and resembles Shanon’s definition of information and thus entropy. In his own words, “perceptual processes are just one aspect of emergent behaviours of ...