The meaning of DETERMINE is to fix conclusively or authoritatively. How to use determine in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Determine.
The meaning of EVOLUTION is descent with modification from preexisting species : cumulative inherited change in a population of organisms through time leading to the appearance of new forms : the process by which new species or populations of living thin
Evolution pertains to the genetic changes in a population over successive generations driven by natural selection, mutation, hybridization, or inbreeding. (Ref.4) Charles Darwin is one of the major contributors to the theory of evolution. He is known for his work Origin of Species by Natural Sel...
noun The sum of the values of all observations or data points divided by the number of observations; an arithmetical average; the central tendency of a collection of numbers, which is a sum of the numbers divided by the amount of numbers the collection.Types• Population mean (µ).• ...
biology. adjective biographical. biological: a bio control service using praying mantises to reduce the population of garden pests. bio- 2 a combining form meaning “life” occurring in loanwords from Greek (biography); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (bioluminescence). ...
-ate the act of (verb form) populate -ation the act of (noun form) population audi- hear audible auto- self autotroph avi- bird avian Biology Root Words: Baro- to Bronch-Biology Root Words: D-H Biology Root Words: I-M Biology Root Words: N-P Biology Root Words: Q-Z Lesson Summar...
the social life of wealthy, prominent, or fashionable persons. the social class that comprises such persons. the condition of those living in companionship with others, or in a community, rather than in isolation. Biology.a closely integrated group of social organisms of the same species exhibitin...
noun music One or more dashes through the stem of a note, dividing it respectively into quavers, semiquavers, demisemiquavers, or hemidemisemiquavers. noun Any convenient short form used as a substitutuion for an understood or inferred whole. noun biology Loss during evolution of the final...
noun The act or process of making whole or entire. noun society The process of fitting into a community, notably applied to 'visible' (ethnic, immigrant...) minorities noun calculus The operation of finding the integral of a function. noun biology In evolution, the process by which the mani...
Environmental conditions, population dynamics, and other factors can influence the nature of commensal relationships. For example, a commensal species may evolve to become mutualistic with its host over time if both species benefit from the relationship. Link/cite this page If you reference any of ...