Synonyms ofpoint-blank 1 a :marked by no appreciable drop below initial horizontal line of flight b :so close to a target that a missile fired will travel in a straight line to the mark 2 :direct,blunt apoint-blankrefusal point-blankadverb ...
point-blank•The men broke into the building at thedeadof night, andshottheirvictimspoint-blankas theyslept.•Rutledge shot himpoint-blankin thechest.•I told Fredpoint-blankthat he had made amistake. refused point-blank•All I wanted to do was to get away, but Karenrefused point-bl...
The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? Words You Always Have to Look Up Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Popular in Wordplay See More Top 10 Sophisticated Insults ...
Trump told Zelensky point-blank on Friday he was not in a very good position: "You don't have the cards right now - with us you start having cards." From BBC The UN investigators documented the shooting at point-blank range of some protesters, the deliberate maiming of others, arbitrary...
The below screenshot is a snapshot of two different statuses of the passport tracking. The upper screen just shows “Document Delivery Information:“, which is blank without any status. Whereas, the bottom screen shows the passport status as “Your Passport is still with the US Embassy/Consulat...
Modern theories of semantics posit that the meaning of words can be decomposed into a unique combination of semantic features (e.g., “dog” would include “barks”). Here, we demonstrate using functional MRI (fMRI) that the brain combines bits of information into meaningful object representation...
looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater,you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent. —Dave ...
CR and LF characters at end of records using Flat File data destinations (missing the CR) Create a Blank Text file if it does not exist in a Given Directory Create a derived column based on a value within the file name Create a empty text file using script task Create a empty text fil...
to cause blood, pus, or the like to gather at a specific point. to produce or permit a draft, as a pipe or flue. to leave a contest undecided; tie. Hunting.(of a hound) to search a covert for game. to follow a game animal by its scent. ...
strong point (suit) Discover More Example Sentences District Judge Otis D. Wright II of the Central District of California, who dismissed the suit, saying Grindr was shielded by broad immunity protections passed almost a decade before the plaintiff was born. ...