to write out in full or enumerate the letters of which a word is composed: The title “Ph.D.” is seldom spelled out. to outspell others in a spelling match. spell 2 [spel] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a word, phrase, or form of words supposed to have magic power;charm;incantation:...
Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
phonetic adjective pho·net·icfə-ˈne-tik 1 :representing the sounds and other phenomena of speech: such as a :constituting an alteration of ordinary spelling that better represents the spoken language, that employs only characters of the regular alphabet, and that is used in a con...
Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Linguistics. any of a small set of units, usually about 20 to 60 in number, and different for each language, considered to be the basic distinctive units of speech sound by which morphemes, words, and sentences are represented. They are arrived at for any given...
International Phonetic ***ociation...- simply the Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet, is the most widely used set of clear-code words for communicating...- This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an ...
Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun pluraldictionaries. a book or digital resource (such as containing a selection of words and information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, derived forms, etc., in either the same or another language; lexicon; glossary: ...
phonetic [ fuh-net-ik ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA adjective Also pho·net·i·cal [] of or relating to speech sounds, their production, or their transcription in written symbols. corresponding to pronunciation: phonetic transcription. agreeing with pronunciation: phonetic spelling. concerning or involv...
Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, the book covers a wide range of topics, including the structure of words, the meaning of words, how their spelling relates to pronunciation, how new words are manufactured or imported from ... ...
(1) The AmE spelling of the Chinese word“颜色”in this dictionary is___. 根据常识,颜色的美式拼写为color,故选C。 (2) The dictionary cannot help you with___. 根据常识,字典可以帮助我们了解单词的发音、拼写、语法等,但不能帮助我们唱歌,故选A。 (3) The phonetic alphabet helps you___each ...
un·phonetic "+ : characterized by or showing lack of regular correspondence of spelling to sound unphoneticness -knə̇s noun plural -es Word History First Known Use 1835, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of unphonetic was in 1835 See more words ...