The meaning of PEEP is to utter a feeble shrill sound as of a bird newly hatched : cheep. How to use peep in a sentence.
The meaning of PEEP is to utter a feeble shrill sound as of a bird newly hatched : cheep. How to use peep in a sentence.
Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a person or thing that emits or utters apeepingpeepsound. Northeastern U.S.any of several frogs having apeepingpeepcall, especially thespring peeper. peeper 2 [pee-per] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a person whopeepspeepin an abnormally prying manner; a voyeur. ...
Slang. singulartweep. a person's followers on Twitter, a social media website. people who use Twitter. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin oftweeps1 2007; blend oftweet(in the sense of “a message posted on Twitter”) orTwitter ( def )+peeps ( def ) ...
NYP not your problemNYP is a slang term. It is one of the most commonly used acronyms in online chat and texting. NYP stands for not your problem. Explore Urdupoint to find more popular Slang Words and Slang Meanings, to use them in your daily chats....
Amercement A*merce"ment, n. [OF. amerciment.] The infliction of a penalty at the discretion of the court; also, a mulct or penalty thus imposed. It differs from a fine,in that the latter is, or was originally, a fixed and certain sum prescribed by statue for an offense; but an ...
peeps Definitions include: people. riff-raff Definitions include: the common people. (show 45 more) Slang terms with the same root words Other terms relating to 'you': 4Q Definitions include: "fuck you". all y'all Definitions include: "all of you". and you know this, man Definitions in...
·PEEPSPeople ·PEEPZPeople ·PEERSPeople in the same group, equals in age, background etc ·PEPSPeople ·PETAPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ·PLAPeople's Liberation Army ·PLPPeople Lazily Procrastinating ·POMOPermanent Open Market OperationsPost ModernA Group Of Native American People...
Dictionary home New words Random Word list Browse by letter Slang ("urban") thesaurus Submit← Previous - peeps peeter peeter out - Next →Definition of peeterpeeter noun alternative spelling of "peter". See more words with the same meaning: alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)...
The meaning of PEEP is to utter a feeble shrill sound as of a bird newly hatched : cheep. How to use peep in a sentence.