The meaning of SCOPE is intention, object. How to use scope in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Scope.
The meaning of SCOPE is intention, object. How to use scope in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Scope.
a combining form meaning “instrument for viewing,” used in the formation of compound words: telescope. Discover More Other Words From scope lessadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofscope1 First recorded in1525–35;fromItalianscopo,fromGreekskopós“aim, mark to shoot at”; ...
scope out verb - transitive to watch. See more words with the same meaning:to stare, watch. Last edited on Apr 16 2013. Submitted byAmadeifrom PA, USA onOct 17 1997. to stare, usually at a member of the opposite gender. I wasscoping outthat hot soccer player after practice....
In trying to protect their privacy, the Murdochs have had their security team scope out which entrance of the courthouse has the fewest reporters waiting outside. FromBBC But as the pop-soul hitmaker sang about wanting to “buy all of the things I never had” not long into his concert Th...
certain section of the target population. In this case, the scope might be narrowed down to a group of 50 children in grades 3-5 of one specific school. Their behavior patterns in school may have been observed for a duration of 6 months. These would form the delimitations of the study....
剑桥雅思10Test3阅读Passage1答案解析 The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism 旅游业 剑桥雅思10 Test3 Passage1阅读原文翻译 段落A Travel has existed since the beginning of time, when primitive man set out, often traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing...
scope1 /skəʊp $ skoʊp/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun 1 [uncountable] the range of things that a subject, activity, book etc deals withscope of the need to define the scope of the investigation measures to limit the scope of criminals’ activitiesbeyond/outside/within the scope of something...
Part A: Travel occurred in human history as early as when primitive men set out to hunt and search for food and clothing. Then, people started long-distance journeys for various purposes, like religious conviction, trade, etc., which developed and became the current forms of tourism, playing...
The meaning of SCOPE OUT is to look at (someone or something) especially in order to get information. How to use scope out in a sentence.