out of bounds meaning, definition, what is out of bounds: if a place is out of bounds, you are not...: Learn more.
The meaning of OUT-OF-BOUNDS is outside the prescribed or conventional boundaries or limits. How to use out-of-bounds in a sentence.
This is the place for Outbounds definition. You find here Outbounds meaning, synonyms of Outbounds and images for Outbounds
out–of–bounds /ˌaʊtəvˈbaʊndz/ adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of OUT–OF–BOUNDS : outside the area in which a game is played The catch was out-of-bounds. — see also out of bounds at 6bound ASK THE EDITOR Why can't I use "equipments"? See the ...
The meaning of BOUND is fastened by or as if by a band : confined. How to use bound in a sentence.
out-of-bounds [out-uhv-boundz] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective Sports.being beyond or passing the limits or boundaries of a field, course, etc., marking the area within which the ball, puck, or the like is legally in play. beyond any established boundaries or prescribed limits;forbidden;...
Bounds definition: a limit; boundary (esp in the phrase know no bounds). See examples of BOUNDS used in a sentence.
又 名人生七部曲 The Meaning of Life 编 剧格雷厄姆·查普曼Gr...约翰·克立斯 主 演格雷厄姆·查普曼Graham约翰·克立斯特瑞·吉列姆艾瑞克·爱都特里·琼斯 剧情 这是一部喜剧片,共分七章来笑论人生的百态。内容包含了人性、性欲、宗教等应有尽有的人生问题。剧中大量运用了讽刺的手法,疯狂幽默之处令人捧腹喷饭。
Out of Bounds and undisciplined:Social inquiry and the current moment of danger. Social research, 62(4), 1995.Watts M J.Mapping meaning,denoting difference,imagining identity:Dialectical images and postmodern geogra- phies.Geografiska Annaler,Series B,1991,73(1):7~16....
So from now on, the cormorant is strictly OUT OF BOUNDS. Oh, and Jenkins? Apparently your mother died this morning. Chaplain. Helpful•3 1 Gaston: My mother told me, "Gaston, there are many people in the world, and in order to get along, you have to try and make everyone happy...