She lived on our block. (2) : the distance along one of the sides of such a block The store is two blocks down on the right. lived a block away from the school b(1) : a large building divided into separate functional units an apartment block (2) : a line of row houses...
The meaning of CAKE is a breadlike food made from a dough or batter that is usually fried or baked in small flat shapes and is often unleavened. How to use cake in a sentence.
These lights aren't just for show; they're part of your dishwasher's way of telling you what's going on under the hood – whether it's a minor hiccup or a call to action. Let's break down what those blinking lights mean and how you can respond to keep your dishwasher running smoot...
Alternatively, some other Samsung dishwashers place the control screen on the top edge of the door, necessitating a slight opening of the door to view. Error codes list Clogged filter error 1E or IE (on Waterwall models) Issue: Water not passing through the filter. Solution: Clean the fin...
bars,the transverse ridges on the roof of the mouth of a horse. a space between the molar and canine teeth of a horse into which the bit is fitted. (in a bridle) the mouthpiece connecting the cheeks. bride2(def1). Heraldry.a horizontal band, narrower than a fess, that crosses the ...
A directory on ext4 can have at most 64000 sub directories. The size of each section of a directory index is limited by the filesystem's block size. If very long filenames are used, fewer entries will fit in the block, leading to 'directory index full' errors earlier than they would ...
(of something inanimate) to cease to exist: The laughter died on his lips. to lose force, strength, or active qualities: Superstitions die slowly. to cease to function;stop: The motor died. to be no longer subject; become indifferent: ...
Ifdevice-mapper-multipathwas in use, all paths may have been lost, andqueue_if_no_pathwas not explicitly set on the multipath map, orno_path_retryexhausted all retries. To determine if one of these was the case: queue_if_no_pathwill be displayed in the "features" in the output ofmult...
Lately, many CEOs have promised to shift their business models to focus on the purpose of their organizations. It’s not enough for leaders to just talk about purpose; it needs to be embedded in every fiber of the company. During a McKinsey Live webinar,...
The meaning of BLOCK is a compact usually solid piece of substantial material especially when worked or altered to serve a particular purpose. How to use block in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Block.