The meaning of CIRCUMLOCUTION is the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea. How to use circumlocution in a sentence. Did you know?
First Known Use circa 1518, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of circumlocution was circa 1518 See more words from the same year Articles Related to circumlocution Challenging Standardized Test Words,... No Number 2 pencil required. You Talk Too Much: 8 ...
Applications of the atomic charge concept in rationalizing a number of physical and chemical properties of molecules are described in some detail. It is concluded that properly defined atomic charges possess a grain of truth and their interpretive power is stressed. Finally, prospects of future ...
However, data will be destroyed, according to rules of the Danish Data Protection Agency for Health Science Research. References Dubé CE, Mack DS, Hunnicutt JN, Lapane KL (2018) Cognitive impairment and pain among nursing home residents with cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage 55:1509–1518. https...
any gender names starting with any letter and ending with any letter with any number of syllables. I like names that mean any meaning and are any theme names. Show me names of any origin. GenerateLearn more about a nameFind the perfect name Baby Names by ...
为了保持健康、维持身材,很多人不得不去减肥。坊间流传一种说法,称不吃晚饭可以减肥。于是,许多人便开始跟潮流,把晚饭“忌”了。经济日报时尚编辑认为:仅靠不吃晚餐来达到减肥的目的并不实际,不吃晚饭不但不能减肥,还会对身体健康产生不利的影响。 以下哪项如果为真,最不能支持上述结论的是?
Today, Grand Seiko offers a number of three-handed watches running at 5 Hz under its "Hi-Beat" collection. Jack recently wrote about how watchmaking today is largely defined by "incremental improvements" – he's absolutely right. But one direction I would say we've seen more than "incremen...
The meaning of CIRCUMLOCUTION is the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea. How to use circumlocution in a sentence. Did you know?