From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a necessary evilsomething bad orunpleasantthat you have toacceptin order toachievewhat you wantMr Hurst regarded work as a necessary evil.→necessary Examples from the Corpus a necessary evil•I, for one, consideryardwork to bea necessary evil.•...
evil in the world.the eternal struggle between good and evil→the lesser of two evils, →necessary evilCOLLOCATIONS–Meaning 1: something that is very bad or harmfulADJECTIVES/NOUN + evila great/greater evilHe saw fascism as the greatest evil of his times.a lesser evil(=a bad thing, but ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? Words You Always Have to Look Up Democracy or Republic: What's the difference?
The meaning of RESCUE is to free from confinement, danger, or evil : save, deliver. How to use rescue in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Rescue.
This natural, pure philosophy of cats relieves them from a great burden: which is that they don’t ruminate and worry about what’s good and evil, moral and immoral, what they should and shouldn’t have done, and what other cats might think of them. They just do as their nature incli...
The other debate stems from Thomas Aquinas who came up with the moral philosophy that is known as natural law ethics, and argued that it is necessary that everyday reasoning be led by obvious principles, such as ensuring that evil acts are not to be committed. Aquinas simply tries to bring...
By concentrating on his last two books, The Denial of Death (1973) and Escape from Evil (1975), the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of Becker's mature theory to show how his work on destructiveness is necessary for developing a socially engaged social theory. Whilst his ...
necessary(adjective) 1evil/ˈiːvəl/adjective eviler;evilest Britannica Dictionary definition of EVIL [or more evil; most evil] 1 :morally bad anevilvillain evilspirits evildeeds 2 a:causing harm or injury to someone She drank anevilpotion. ...
necessary evil —see2evil 2necessary/ˈnɛsəˌseri/Brit/ˈnɛsəsri/noun pluralnecessaries Britannica Dictionary definition of NECESSARY 1 necessaries[plural]:things (such as food, a place to live, and clothing) that you must have:necessary things ...
Something I’d like to say… Jordan, your ‘notgames’ have done something. They hack and slash at the curtains we put up to shield ourselves from the ugly truth. That in reality, evil is decided by the individual. Among other messages. This, and your other games have a simple brutalit...